SGT has successfully completed steam generator (SG) or reactor vessel closure head (RVCH) replacements at nuclear power plants all over the United States and Canada, repeatedly setting domestic and international records for key schedule durations and safety performance. By using a process focused on continuous improvement to management techniques and project execution, SGT has successfully completed 26 SG, nine RVCH and one pressurizer replacement project(s).
These generator replacement work scopes necessitated a wide variety of approaches including installation of ‘orphan’ components, two-piece replacements, and containment openings. This broad range of experiences and implementation approaches, in combination with a through Lessons Learned program provides the SGT team with an extensive range of experiences to draw from in future projects.
In addition, SGT is proud to be a partner with two nuclear facilities to implement steam generator replacements in upcoming outages.

During Steam Generator Replacement projects, our team starts with remote machining to sever hot and cold leg piping. Once the pipe is cut, the old SGs are removed from containment and pipe end deco is performed. The pipe ends are machined to dimensionally control tolerances that match the Replacement Steam Generators (RSGs). Once the RSGs are set in place, machine welding is performed on the reactor coolant system piping using Narrow Groove Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) process. Narrow groove welding reduces total weld time for a given wall thickness by bridging the weld prep bevel surfaces with each weld pass.
SGT utilizes many tools to accurately remove and install SGs. Tools include photogrammetry, laser tracking, total station and laser scanning to support the many facets of a project as complex as an SG replacement.