SGT’s #1 Goal for EVERY project is to complete the work with ZERO injuries.
SGT offers a comprehensive program emphasizing safety in the work environment. The program also addresses each individual’s responsibility to be aware of and uphold safe work practices.
SGT’s proactive approach to safety includes:
- Employee orientation,
- Project status briefings,
- Safety meetings,
- Daily inspections, and
- Safety awards.

Constant safety awareness is achieved through posters, banners, and regular communications.
SGT’s work in the area of safe work practices has been recognized by a number of organizations. The following highlight the Industry Awards given to SGT for our recent projects:
- National Safety Council Milestone Award
- National Safety Council Perfect Record Award
- Power Engineering Best Nuclear Project of the Year (Finalist)
- Platts ENR/McGraw-Hill Construction Project of the Year (Finalist)
- Top Plant from Power Magazine
- Power Engineering Best Nuclear Project of the Year
- Power Engineering Best Nuclear Project of the Year
- Power Engineering Best Nuclear Project of the Year (Honorable Mention)
- Platts ENR/McGraw-Hill Construction Energy Project of the Year (Finalist)
- Power Engineering Best Nuclear Project of the Year
- Platts ENR/McGraw-Hill Construction Energy Project of the Year
- Power Engineering Best Nuclear Project of the Year
Primary Emphasis on Dose Prevention, not Dose Tracking
SGT is committed to the ALARA philosophy.
The primary emphasis of SGT’s ALARA program is dose prevention, not dose tracking and SGT continually strives to improve its ALARA performance.
The goal of SGT’s ALARA program is to minimize personnel exposure and the generation of radioactive waste. This goal is accomplished through comprehensive planning and training and innovative technologies derived from our focus on teamwork and leveraging lessons learned from previous SGR projects.