When predictability matters, choose SGT.

The Steam Generating Team (SGT), a joint venture between Aecon and Framatome Inc., is the North American leader in the heavy component replacement market for power plants and the only performer of steam generator replacements for the past ten years. Our award-winning experience and unparalleled expertise have made us the industry’s major plant modification leader for over a quarter of a century.

nuclear professionals you can count on

SGT provides our customers with a proven program implemented by skilled nuclear professionals that you can count on. Our team members are all committed to project excellence, working safely, and providing first time quality. As a joint venture of Aecon and Framatome, two well-respected, industry-leaders in engineering and construction, SGT has reach-back capabilities, allowing the “Best Athletes” to be assigned to your projects.


SGT has over 25 years of industry-recognized experience in replacing heavy components. We’ve successfully completed steam generator (SG) or reactor vessel closure head (RVCH) replacements at nuclear power plants all over the United States and Canada. We have repeatedly set world record outage duration benchmarks and domestic and international records for key schedule durations and safety performance.


SGT’s planning, scheduling, construction and project management processes support its ability to quickly react to emergent work, adapt to client requirements, and successfully implement large projects. From initial project scoping to final installation, SGT has the people and experience to plan and implement your project with predictable results.


SGT’s #1 goal for every project is to complete the work with ZERO injuries. In the past several years, SGT has continued to deliver industry leading safety performances on non-RSGP related work. While the SGT program by design incorporates high quality expectations, SGT also maintains a rigorous Issue Identification and Resolution Program (IIRP) to ensure continuous improvement of our program.


SGT’s ability to accurately estimate, schedule and control cost for major projects has made us a trusted and valued member of integrated (customer/SGT) teams. SGT consistently delivers projects on schedule and within budget while executing to the highest standards and setting world-record outage durations.


Our proven program and processes are focused on value-added performance with minimal impact to plant operations. We advocate a collaborative approach with total cooperation between SGT and our customers to take full advantage of the strengths and experience of both organizations in executing the projects.

We deliver:

  • Safe project execution
  • Proven project management approach and risk mitigation
  • Dedicated veteran leadership, management and staff resources
  • Focus on minimizing radiation exposure
  • Detailed execution planning to reliably meet customer expectations
  • A project team that leverages lessons-learned and best practices
  • Teamwork with customers and an integrated organization structure
  • Emphasis on error reduction and event-free performance
  • A clear understanding of the nuclear heavy component replacement industry
  • A company that believes teamwork with customers must be an embedded cultural attribute

Major Plant Modification Projects

In addition to a proven track record of successful steam generator replacement projects, SGT provides our proven EPC model to utilities to engineer, plan, and implement major plant modifications.

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Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) Projects

Flexibility to be near turnkey or integrated organization with site team with more limited role. A turnkey/EPC approach works well on large work scopes which occur infrequently in a plant life. SGT’s experience engineering, planning, and implementing large work scope often puts us in a better position to handle large projects than plant engineering teams which are focused on day-to-day work scopes.

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Fleet Programs

Provide consistency, savings from repeated implementation, and efficiency of common management team. SGT’s ability to mobilize staff for key positions from across the nation from both Framatome and Aecon in combination with our ability to bring in local craft and support provide a unique platform for utilities to implement a fleet-wide modification (FLEX, ISFSI, etc.) using a consistent methodology, approach, and team.

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Groups of Modifications

Manage interface of modifications with overlapping locations, systems, implementation time, and space SGT’s broad work experience and flexibility allows us to undertake large work scopes with numerous impacts and related changes. SGT has experience designing and installing entirely new systems at plants. As with any entirely new work scopes, changes must be made in all engineering disciplines. In addition, changes must be made to PRA, operations, maintenance, security, and all aspects of plant operations.

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Major Component Replacement

SGT has successfully completed steam generator (SG) or reactor vessel closure head (RVCH) replacements at nuclear power plants all over the United States and Canada, repeatedly setting domestic and international records for key schedule durations and safety performance. By using a process focused on continuous improvement to management techniques and project execution, SGT has successfully completed 26 SG, nine RVCH and one pressurizer replacement project(s).

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Studies and Consulting

SGT has the ability to utilize industry-leading expertise from two world-class companies, Framatome and Aecon. We have the experience and skill-set to handle all aspects of engineering studies including problem definition, design exploration, optimization, and effective communication of conclusions.

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